Themes of Psychological Thrillers
Psychological Thrillers frequently focus on characters minds by regularly having a first person narrative, allowing the audience further...

Enigmas In Thrillers
Enigma areused frequently in thrillers in order to capture the audience's attention. A question or dilemma that the target audience can...

Shutter Island - Codes and Conventions
The use of mise-en-scene in Shutter Island is typical of that of a psychological thriller film. They use a lot of stairs down to dark...

Shutter Island - Opening Sequence
Thriller sequences such as the one from 'Shutter Island' will help us with our thriller opening sequence because due to the use of...
Fight Club - Todorov's Theory
On the other hand, you can't apply the theory to all films. There are films which you can't apply this narrative theory to, such as Fight...

Taken - Todorov's Theory
Todorovs theory relates to almost every film in some way. An example of one that it relates to is taken. In the beggining of the trailer...

Todorov in 1969 produced a theory which he believed to be able to be applied to any film. He believed that all films followed the same...

The Conventions of Thrillers - Dramatic Sound
The convention that is used most often in thrillers is Dramatic Sound this is when sound and music is used to play with the audiences...
The Conventions of Thrillers - Jump Scares
Another convention found in thriller films that and although is of high importance but not lost without it is Jump Scares. This is when...

The Conventions of Thrillers - Red Herrings
A widely used convention since the dawn of thriller films is a Red Herring this is a part of the film that distracts the audience from...