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The Conventions of Thrillers - Jump Scares

Another convention found in thriller films that and although is of high importance but not lost without it is Jump Scares. This is when something will happen suddenly with the intention of scaring the audience. If this is done successfully it will make them jump and torment the viewers further. Jump Scares are utilised in the film Psycho when we learn the truth about Mother and Marions sister screams. The noise is intended to make the audience jump. Although jump scares have given themselves a bad name over the years. They are viewed as a tactic used in movies to scare people, the jump scare is thought to be used by unimaginative and lazy filmmakers as a cheap method of frightening the audience; making them literally "jump" out of their seats. This device is being increasingly employed in modern horror movies. People now believe that the directors have forgotten how to actually scare people.


Jaimie Mara

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