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Editing Ideas

The scene we are trying to film is of a character who enters his house in a panicked and urgent state, then collecting items from his house and packing them in a suitcase, including a mysterious package, before quickly leaving again, so we will try to resemble this in the way we edit the film. As the character is rummaging through cupboards looking for a passport, the shots will be fast paced to show the sense of urgency from the character. There will also be a use of cross cutting when the character is packing his suitcase, cutting to the passport, package and clothes, as well as the bag being taken off the top of a wardrobe. The whole scene will be fast paced as the character is looking to leave his house as quickly as possible. The whole scene will also try not to reveal anything about the character, leaving an air of mystery, as the audience is clueless as to who this person is or why they are in a rush to pack a bag and leave.


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