Binary Opposites in Horns - Levi Strauss
The film horns explores a variety on genre boundaries and pushes into different catagories. Within the trailer we can see the oppositions...
Binary Opposition - Levi Strauss
Binary opposition is the way a word has meaning, and how these meaning are associated with them, the positive and negative connotations...

Semiotics - Levi Strauss
Semiotics suggests how an idea or concept is portrayed through signs, symbols and motifs. A semantic field shows how many words are...

Aristotle claimed that ‘All drama is conflict’. Strausse said that all stories are propelled forward by conflict that is caused by...

Levi Strauss
Levi Strausse had the idea of binary opposites and how binary opposites such as good and bad can relate to films providing interesting...

Vladmir Propp
Vladmir Propp is a russian critic, he specialised in the structure of fairy tale. He wrote a book called Morphology of the folk tale in...

Fight Club - Todorov's Theory
On the other hand, you can't apply the theory to all films. There are films which you can't apply this narrative theory to, such as Fight...

Taken - Todorov's Theory
Todorovs theory relates to almost every film in some way. An example of one that it relates to is taken. In the beggining of the trailer...

Todorov in 1969 produced a theory which he believed to be able to be applied to any film. He believed that all films followed the same...