Vladmir Propp
Vladmir Propp is a russian critic, he specialised in the structure of fairy tale. He wrote a book called Morphology of the folk tale in which he said there are stock characters in every tale. He broke up fairy tales into sections. Through these sections he was able to define the tale into a series of sequences that occurred within the Russian fairytale. Usually there is an initial situation, after which the tale usually takes the following 31 functions. Vladimir Propp used this method to decipher Russian folkloreand fairy tales.
•The villain
•The hero
•The donor
•The helper
•The princess
•False Hero
•The father who rewards the hero
Propp focuses on characters within a film that relates to traditional fairy tale characters. This can be shown in thriller films for example, in the thriller film 'I Robot' we have traditional characters that can be seen as a traditional character known in fairty tales: