The Shining Opening Sequence
The opening sequenxe of the shining starts of with an extreme long shot to show the audience/viewers where it is taken place. The shot shows nature in an empty space in order to represent the affect of isolation of having no one around. Combined with this camera shot there is non-diagetic music being played into the sequence. Using instuments usch as violins, guitards and piano. This music helps emphasise the loneliness through the hollow and echoes.
Warner Bros- 7 Seconds A Stanley Kubrick Film- 4 Seconds Jack Nicholson- 5 Seconds Shelley Duvall- 5 Seconds The Shining- 5 Seconds Featuring Danny Lloyd- 5 Seconds Scatman Crothers- 5 Seconds Barry Nelson- 5 Seconds Phillip Stone- 5 Seconds Joe Turkell- 5 Seconds Anne Jackson- 5 Seconds Tony Burton- 5 Seconds Executive Producer, Jan Harlan- 5 Seconds Based upn the novel by Stephen King- 5 Seconds Produced in association with, The Producer Circle Company, Robert Fryer, Martin Richards, Mary Lea Johnson- 5 Seconds Screenplay by, Stanley Kubrick & Diane Johnson- 5 Seconds Produced & Directed by Stanley Kubrick- 5 Seconds