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Inner Evil

This is an example of an AS media thriller opening sequence called 'Inner Evil'.

This shows many example of codes and conventions that could be used in our thriller opening sequence.

Camera Work

Within this thriller opening sequence a wide range of camerwork and camera movement is used. For example close ups were used at the start of the sequence of the key to show the audience the main prop of the opening sequence and also close ups of the faces of the main character throughout the sequence. This tells me that close ups are used to show the audience the emotions of the main character for example one close up of the girl was sad and worried compared to the same girl with an expression of pride and happiness. This was used to portray the difference between personalities protraying the title 'inner evil'. This could be used in our opening sequence to express the title of the sequence in the storyline. Another use of camerwork would be an establishing shot. This was shown at the start of the sequence to show the audience the setting of the film. This could be used in our thriller sequence to set the scene of our film allowing the audience to think of ideas of what could happen within the film and what could happen to the audience.


Through mise-en-scene some one key prop was used within the opening sequence.The main prop of the sequence was a key. This was shown at the start of the sequence as the heroine stared down at the key in her hand and we were also shown a scene of the key being used as a weapon. This suggests that the key is a significant prop to the story and is used in a way that is un-traditional giving a sense of surprise and tension for the audience. This idea can be used in our thriller opening sequence as a 'shock' factor for our target audience creating an un-certainty to the story through an every day item. Mise-en-scene was also used through clothing. For example we see the heroine of the sequence wake up and get changed into everyday clothes as if she was an average person getting up for a typical day. However at the end of the sequence we see the same character wearing darker clothes. This suggests the 'inner evil' of the character presented in the title portraying the main character as having two persnalities shown by the difference in clothing from the same girl. This can be used in our thriller sequence by suggesting how the storyline has affected the characters within the story to the point of split personalities. Another mise-en-scene used in the sequence was lighting. For example throughout the sequence bright lighting was used however in some scenes of flashbacks darker lighting was used. This could suggest traumatising events for the main character allowing the audience to sympathise, it could also suggest again the difference in personalities but for the same character. This can be used in our thriller film to suggest a series of events within one storyline for one character.


The use of editing is also significant within the opening sequence for a thriller film. There are many features of this shown in the opening sequence shown including pace. The pace at the start of the sequence is very slow suggesting a sense of fear between characters as if characters are deciding what to do. However when the sound changes the pace quickens showing the events have changed through the storyline creating a state of panic. This can be used similarly in our opening sequence to show the change in events that relate to the storyline. Another use of editing used in the opening sequence is cross cutting. Through cross cutting the sequnce cuts from one character to another suggesting that the difference between each character's point of view for example the point of view of the character getting away, the point of view ofthe character being held in a threatening head lock and the point of view of the villain trying to re-gain there dominance. This can be used similarly in our opening sequence for a thriller film to show the emotions and point of view of different characters and how they are reacting to the situation they are in.


Throughout the sequence the main sound used was ambient sound of a soundtrack that created a suspensful and uncertainty mood to the film throughout. This could be used in our thriller film to portay a automatic mood for the film that the audience can follow to give a general idea of what the film is going to be about. Another use of sound wihthin the sequence is diegetic sound shown by the use of the main prop, a key. The audience hear the key opening and locking the door as the main character leaves her house. This is the main diegetic sound we hear throughout the sequence suggesting that the prop is essential to part of the story. This could be used in our thriller film in a similar way by using sound to make part of the film such as a prop stand out and using sound to create a suspenseful and chaotic scene.

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