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Deviation Opening Sequence

I have researched the openings of various thriller films in order to find out some of the key title conventions for a thriller film and to view which elements work well with the genre. Also, by researching the opening sequences I have become aware of the importance of sound and mise-en-scene to create the intended atmosphere.

The opening sequence of the film ‘Deviation’ is quite interesting to look at considering that it is a thriller film. This is because it isn't completely typical in it conventions. It beings with a black screeen and the voice over of Amber talking on the phone having a miscellaneous conversation. It then shows the main character Amber walking along the street on the phone to the person audiences have assumed to be her partner. There is one continuous shot following her down the street. Although not showing viewers her face. This is giving the audience the idea that this woman is nothing special, just another face in the crowd. The sounds in the background is ambiant sounds of busy yet peacefull city. Almost as if the audience are being lulled into a false sense of security before the horrific event happens.

Deviation Opening Sequence:

00:07 'A Silver Leaf Pictre Production' (7 Seconds)

00:12 'A J.K. Amalou Film' (5 seconds)

00:14 'Danny Dyer' (4 seconds)

00:18 'Anna Walton' (4 Seconds)

00:25 'Deviation' (5 seconds)

(Cast: 3 Seconds)

00:30 'James Doherty'

00:34 'David Fynn'

00:38 'Alan Mckenna'

00:42 'Roy Smiles'

00:46 'Ben Wigzell'

(Crew: 5 Seconds)

01:15 'Editor St.John O'roke'

01:22 'Production Designer Chloe Brady'

00:52 'Casting Director Jeremy Zimmerman'

00:58 'Original Music by Fryars'

01:08 'Costume Designer Emma Harding'

01:32 'Director of Photography Ollie Downey'

01:41 'Executive Producers Sam Amalou & Nick Donofrio & Daryl Folkard & Derek Mills'

01:49 'Producer Michael Riley'

02:00 'Produced by Lara Greenway & J.K. Amalou'

02:07 'Written and Directed by J.K. Amalou'

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