Evaluation Question Seven
#evaluation #question7

Final Day of Filming & Audience Feedback
After looking over our rough cut we decided to re-film our thriller relating to the comments our audience feedback gave us. These...

For filming we used a HD Canon Camera and Tripod for our opening sequence to a thriller film. We spent a day filming for our first draft...

Question 6
#evaluation #question6
Camerawork is a crucial part of the planning and making of our thriller opening sequence. We needed to ensure that we knew what shots we...
Question 5
#evaluation #question5
Evaluation Question Three
#evaluation #question3

Questionnaire Analysis
What is your gender? Female Male For our first question we asked 30 people whether the audience member was female or male. By asking this...

#targetaudience #research

Audience Feedback
Once we made our rough cut of our thriller opening sequence we showed an adolescent audience the rough cut and asked their opinion of the...