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Past Student video: Vampire Weekend, Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa

This was an interesting video to analyse, as there is a high amount of creativity put into the video, and it is completely different to any other student videos. It is a verg good video, becasuse firstly it is a hybrid style of video including parts of both performance and abstract. This is because the band is shown performing throughout the video to the audience, however the video is unrelated to the song. During the whole video the band is shown to be performing a song, showing conventions of a rock/heavy metal genre music video with a lead vocalist, a bassist, a drummer and rhythm guitarist. However, rather than wearing black and having a black back drop behind them, they have chosen to be clothed in casual clothing such as jeans, bright tops and trainers, in which the audience can relate to. This resembles the target audience for the song, which is teenagers or students lookign into media videos such as this one, or peoepl who are likely to be in college or university. By using a white back drop, it creates a happy, fun atmosphere which is emphasised by their use of colours in their clothing choice. The female in the video seems to play quite a dominant role within the music video because the camera moves between shots of the band performing and shots of her. She is also clothed in casual clothing for example a floral top and jeans suggesting that she is a teenager as well. Throughout the video, she is shown painting on canvas as well as on some of the boy’s bodies that may suggest that she is a creative artist. The use of props in this video consist of: musical instruments, mikes, paints, paintbrush, pots, an easel, canvas board and frames. These props create a realistic and relatable scene as students who are interested in art or music will have used these in particular. By creating an unclear video where the audience is not fully aware of what is going on, it enables the audience to become more engaged with the music video, in an abstract styl, which we have used for our video. The editing varies at some parts of the video from being fast paced to create a type of energy within the video, and almost a childish aspect, again relating to the target audience, but other parts of the video are actually slower paced so audiences can analyse everything that is going on in detail. There are a wide range of shots used in this video such as close up shots, extreme close ups, wide shots and groups shots which is used the most. By using a lot of group shots the audience has the ability to recognise the significant band members. Special effects have been used effectively to show the band members singing in frames on the wall. They appear in unnatural colours such as pink and green which relates back to the different colours used in the video and creates an unrealistic feel. As the bands faces are shown singing on the walls there is a sense of connection between the audience and the band members as they are at eye level with the camera. This makes it seem as if they are actually singing to you. Overall, I would say that this video is very creative and was well thought about. I especially like it for the use of techniques that they have used.

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