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Lyric Analysis-Menswear, the 1975

This is the song we are using for our final video. The start of the song doesnt have any lyrics, for the first part of the song, givng it a slow paced build up, which is applied to our video, as the pace of shots and mood of the video is slow at this part of the video. After 1:43 in the video the lyrics start:

"Well I only brought 3, what you lookin' at me for?" She's dressed in white and putting off crying. "Well you're the best man, so what's the plan? Why don't you talk to Matty about it?" I said, "I only brought 3 like I told you before, We're gonna have to ask about." Free bar, that's the point. Spilling Amaretto 'cause of previous joints. I'm sitting with a girl, fortunate placing. Preceding railing racket off a porcelain basin. Who's he? Giving it the lips? I've never seen him knockin' about. He looks just like me, but 6 foot 3, So I reckon you could knock him out. "Well, I think I'll say a couple of words if you don't mind... I never really got on with your bird the first time I met her out, dressed in nowt, telling everybody you were shagging about." Well, who's this? Going for the kiss, I'm probably gonna yosh in your mouth. Because it's 5 past 3, I can hardly see and I'm on the verge of passing out.

The lyrics of this song represent someone who is on drugs and is drunk, apparently at a wedding and i think it is saying that he has slept with the bride of the wedding and in a drunk state whilst doing so. The lyrics of this song are quite deep and perhaps difficult to understand and interpret what is going on. This is a different and individual song, and the lyrics work well with the song. This effectively represents the 1975 as it is a different type of abstract video, of which we have tried to replicate in our video by displaying an abstarct theme, where it is unusual and sometimes difficult to understand, but it leaves audiences interested, and they can have their own interpretations of what is going on.

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