Past Student Video- Royal Blood, Out of the black

This is an analysis of a previous media students video, looking at the points of Goodwins Theory, and other aspects of the video. This is useful as we, as media students, can use these videos for our own ideas.
This video is mostly performance, which differs to other past student videos which are mainly story telling, as it can be difficult to get the equipment for performance videos, but this video only has two scenes at the start and end that aren't performance. The links between lyrics and visuals in this video are quite good as it is a performance, so the lead singer is moslty lip syncing and therefore links between lyrics and visuals can be clearly seen. However, I noticed that the lyrics were actually off on multiple occasions, and it was difficult to see the link as the sync was out.
Links between the music and visuals can be seen in this video. I believe that they both compliment and amplify the video. The song is quite a heavy, rock style song, and therefore the visuals would generally try to reflect this, which I think they have done in complimenting the music, as the video is black and white, which can infer that its quite a rough and heavy song, and doesn't have any sort of soft or relaxing feel to it, and the black and white videos reflect this. Despite some scenes that are less enthusiastic, for most of the video the lead singer and drummer, who are the only two band members, the same as Royal Blood; showing they have thought about the video and how it reflects the band they chose. The two band members body language whilst performing reflects the music of the song, as the visuals are very clear, and the performance is very vibrant and loud.
There is some link to the genre of this video, which is rock. As the video is performance, it is quite easy to see the link to the genre, and what genre it is, by looking at the nature of the performance. From the instruments used in the video, which are a guitar and drums, it is easy to see the genre of the video. It can be sometimes more challenging to represent the genre of a video through story, so this is probably why they decided to use a performance video for the majority of it. Overall these students have created a good video, and it follows various features of goodwins theory