Amateur vs Professional- Wires, Athlete

This will be a comparison between an amateur version of a video, from a past student, compared to the professional version, as our video will be an amateur video, and this allows us to reflect on how different the two are.
Instantly from watching the first few seconds of the amateur video I could tell that the quality of the camera used was quite poor, as it is a students work and as a low production company it is difficult to have access to high quality equipment. When comparing it to the beggining of the professional video, it is clear to see the difference. Another thing I noticed is that the image of the main character in the amateur video is similar to that of the artist in the proffessional video. During the production of this video they may have looked at the professional video for inspiration.
The professional video uses a wider range of shots such as pans, at the beginning, and throughout the video are much more varied that the amater, which uses a lot of mid shots, and close ups, and lacks a wide variety. The amateur video is a storytelling style video, and the story looks quite basic, only consisting of two main scenes, one of which is in a hospital and another at his house. The professional is performance and storytelling, and switches between the lead singer and the band. This would perhaps be more diffiuclt to do as an amateur production company, as they may not have the music equipment or people to play the part of the band, but this is obviously simple for professionals as millions of videos include band performances. The professional video also uses lip syncing, which has not been used at all in the amateur video.
I think that a similar mood has been represented in both songs, as it is quite a slow song, and this is represented by the editing use din both, as the pace is quite slow, so in this respect both videos are similar. However, through the story scene of the professional video, there is some sort of light that travels across the path the lead singer is walking, which looks difficult to put into a video, somehting that students would struggle to do. The mise en scene in the amateur video has actually been done quite well, and there isnt a lot of comparison in quality between the two. The use of black and white images during parts of the vidoe reflects that it is quite a dark and sad scene, which works well with the type of song it is. The lighting in the scene at the hostpital is normal, as are the clothes the main actor is wearing, which is contrasted by his feelings as his close friend or girlfriend in the video is nearing death, and his body language displays this well.
Overall it is clear to see the difference between an amateur video, and a professional video, as the equipment needed can't be accessed for an amateur video, nevertheless it still has good aspects to it, and can aspire to better productions if they are successful