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Lady Gaga-Poker Face


This song is one very early in this artists career. The video for the song displays typical conventions of a pop music video, therefore fitting into the pop genre. The video includes the singer, Lady Gaga, along with back up dancers. Lady Gaga is obviously the main focus of the video, and uses the lip syncing technique. The artist is filmed in various different positions and costumes throughout the video.

The video setting is outside a modern styled mansion, thus fitting with the modern look the artist portrays in this video. This reflects the artist as wealthy in the video to the audience. The name of the song 'Poker Face' is displayed literally as the cast of the vidoe are shwon playing poker at a table. This has resemblence to money and being rich, and can be regarded as conventions of a pop videos as it shows modern trends and the lifestyles of these kinds of artists.

The costumes worn by Lady Gaga in this video were very extraveganzent and strange, making her stand out amongst the extras. She wore various costumes, which is usually a convention of pop music. These costumes also fit in with the video theme, however they also reflect Lady Gaga as an individual as she can be very eccentric and differ from other artists. As for lighting in the video, there is a frequent use of a big light behind the artist, in order to make her stand out, and it implies that she is clearly the star of the video

The body language in this video is quite sexual, and the extras and artists display this. The video is also upbeat and energetic as the song is fast paced. the artist is more enthusiastic with her movements, so the video is focused on her as it is her song of course. In the video there isn't a strong narrative as there are mainly performence shots of the artist.


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