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Emily - Lower than Atlantis

This song was one of our first ideas to think of recreating as our music video for this course. We first came across this music video when we started looking at different types of genres for part of our research into music videos and this one was in the Rock/indie category. They are a newly and developing band therefore their music video was a little bit amateurish we thought. As we aren't professional music video makers yet we thought we could relate to this and use this as a guide to what our video could turn out like if it was a success. The thing that attracted us to this video was the fact that the whole video is filmed from a point of view camera and it tells a funny but clever story. we liked the idea of how this was made and it put the idea into our head that we could do something similar.

After thinking about this more we realised that it would be a lot harder than we first thought because the camera work would be perhaps beyond our capabilities as we don't have a place we could put the camera where it would always be filming the person from the persons point of view.


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