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Target audience questionnaire-Analysis

1. This question was asking the gender of our potential audiences. From this question we found that out of 30 people 14 were male and 16 were female. From this question we will know that the target audience for our video is pretty much evenly spread, and doesn’t specifically apply to one gender, with female only being slightly higher

2.This question was asking the age of our potential audiences. We found that the most common age of our audience was 17-24 with 15, with 11-16 close at 12 and 25-30 was the least common age of our audiences at 3. From this we know roughly the age of our audiences to be from 11-24 however the issue with this is it is vague. The people answering this may have all been from 15-19 but the questionnaire doesn’t specify this

3.This question was asking how often potential audiences watched music videos.From this question, we found that the majority of people either watched music videos daily or weekly, showing that there would be frequent viewers of our video. Some people did say monthly, and a couple said never, but overall there is a high variety of people that would be watching the video.

4.This question was asking how potential audiences would watch the video. The most popular response was on YouTube with 18 people, followed by TV channels with 8 people and lastly the artists’ website with just 4 people. This shows us what the best way to promote our music video would be, which is through YouTube, as we know now this is the most likely place for the video to be shown

5.This question asked our potential audiences their favourite genre of music. The most popular responses were pop and indie with 14 each, rock then with 12, RnB and other with 10 and lastly jazz with 6. From this we will have a rough idea of the music preferred by audience, however this can be a wide ranging result, and is a matter of opinion, but it gives us a rough idea

6.This question asked what the potential audiences most liked in a music video theme. The most popular response was live performance videos at 13 and close to thought provoking videos at 12, and lastly 5 people said they liked story telling videos. Once again this gives us a rough idea of what to do for our video from the response, and generally more people liked performance or thought provoking than story telling, so we will take this on board when making our video

7.Lastly we asked if music videos were vital to successful singles. 20 people said yes and 10 said no. This shows us that it is important for a music video to be good in order for the single to be successful, but it isn’t fully vital, as the song can still be promoted well by the digipak and the magazine advert


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