Constellations - Darwin Deez

This video contains a total of 54 different shots throughout. Knowing how many shots are inthis music video, will give me a good idea of how many shots I should use in my video. Thestyle/genre of the song I have chosen to analyse is an Indie/Pop single. I chose to look intothis style of music, because it gives me the chance to look at some of theartistic/experimental elements use throughout the video, and will give me the chance tounderstand how an indie Music Video is structured. The narrative of the music video I haveselected is fairly vague; however it could be interpreted in many ways. In the video, it cutsbetween the singer presenting a Astrology TV show and the singer walking around a set.This narrative works in conjunction with the song, as the song is about the singer’sfascination with space and stars (hence the song title ‘Constellations’). This music videocontains a wide range of different shots and camera techniques. For example at severalpoints in the video the shots have been filmed hand-held. There also several shots which arequite long in comparison to other shots. This music video gives the viewer the impressionthat the singer is an eccentric and quirky character. One last major thing that makes ties thisvideo in with the Indie/pop genre is the clothes that the singer wears. The singer is wearingclothes that are often considered as being nerdy or hipster clothes.