Target Audience Questionnaire

What gender are you?MaleFemale
What is your age? 11-1617-24 25-3536-5051-7071+
How often do you watch music channels?Daily3-5 times a week1-2 times a week
Less than once a week Once a month Less than once a month
How do you watch music videos?PhoneTV Channels (Viva, MTV)Artists websites
Other online sites (YouTube, Vimeo) Other (Please State: )
What genre do you listen to?PopRockRnBIndieJazzFolkOther
What do you enjoy seeing in music videos?Live PerformanceSerious/Thought ProvokingNon-Serious/ComicalStory TellingOther
Do you think music videos are vital to the success of singles/albums?YesNoUnsure
What do you think about music videos that follow a clear narrative in relevance to the song lyrics?
What do you think about music videos that attempt at being original, but sometimes controversial?
What would you most like to see in a music video?