The 2nd Law-Muse
This is the official artwork for the album cover, and the image is clearly effective, as it stands out well, and people will be able to relate it to the magazine advert and notice it. The album also clearly has the band name and the album name in the top left corner, both of which is key to be advertised as it catches the eye and is effective in selling the album, as if the name is recognised interest can be easily spread through word of mouth.

This is the magazine advertisement for Muse's album The 2nd Law. From this advert it has clearly displayed the name of the band, and the date of what I think is either a tour or a concert, but could be a song release date, as the album itself was released on the 28th September 2012, nevertheless the content used makes it an effective advert, as the audience can look to buy the album. The main criticism would be that it doesn't include the album title, which means that the audience may not know what album they are looking for, should they buy it, so the message isn't clear, however the logo on the advert, which is meant to represent pathways in the human brain is shown in very bright neon colours, making it stand out, and it is a noticeable unique cover so audiences will see this and recognise the band through it being unique and bright.

Another way this album has been sold to a wide audience, was through the debut song of the album Survival, which was released as the official song of the London 2012 Olympics
