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Fireflies-Owl City

Part of Goodwin's Theory relates to the links in videos between the lyrics and visuals, as they help represent the meaning of the lyrics. An example of this is in Owl City's video for the song Fireflies, as it has a toy robot shown dancing, with the line "teach me how to dance" which helps amplify the lyrics of the song. As well as having links, the visuals can also contradict the lyrics and the music, for example in the Red Hot Chilli Peppers song Can't Stop, the lyrics and music is contradicted. The singer says "can't stop in the first line as the shot cuts from one of the band members running to one of his motionless head. The lyrics can also be contradicted, as if there is slow or deep lyrics, are contradicted by happy, positive and fast motions shown from the visuals.

As well as this, the visuals can link with the genre of the music video. Every genre will have characteristics, but can be broken purposely to give the band or artist a unique image, or make it seem like they are going against the ways in which the video is supposed to be represented with regards to the genre. Rock videos, for example, will almost always be performance-based, while RnB videos will very often have backup dancers. Artists that cross the boundaries between genres, like Janelle Monae, will usually try to break the conventions of the genre they are most associated with. In the music video for her song Tightrope, for example, Janelle Monae has a very strange mix between a narrative and concept-based video, with lots of characteristics of older genres of music, despite the very modern RnB feel that the song has.

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